Though the State of New York makes incorporating a small business far more complicated than most other states, not every small business owner or entrepreneur needs to go to the expense of outsourcing incorporation to an attorney or specialty paralegal service. You can, if you’re careful, incorporate yourself. Or you can, again you need to be careful, form a limited liability company yourself.
Accordingly, we do sell downloadable do-it-yourself S corporation kits for New York small businesses. In fact, we actually sell two kits for New York. One kit uses a limited liability as the “base” for an S corporation. And the other kit uses a traditional corporation as the “base.”
Note: In most cases, a business owner will want to use an LLC as the base. An LLC makes governance easier for the business’s owners. And an LLC provides the opportunity to operate the business as sole proprietorship or partnership in the interval between the time you form the LLC and the time you elect Subchapter S status.
Downloading a Do-it-yourself Kit
To download the LLC flavor of the New York S corporation kit, use the button below:
Note: Both the LLC and the traditional corporation version of the New York S corporation provide complete instructions for forming the entity, for obtaining a federal tax identification number, and for making the 2553 S election..
To download the “traditional corporation” flavor of the New York S corporation kit, use the button below:
Additional Resource You Might Find Useful
Which tax returns are required for a new small business corporation? Here’s a discussion of the tax returns your new S corporation will need to file.
What specifically are the advantages of an S corporation? A long-ish list of the advantages S corporation status provides…
How Much Tax Can an S Corporation Really Save? Here’s a link to an article at another website we publish, S Corporations Explained, that explains how to calculate the savings S corporation tatus might produce.