The actual steps you take to form an Arkansas limited liability company are pretty simple. You can, if you want, follow the instructions below. (These instructions are up-to-date as of July 27, 2020.)
We’ve also got a free, downloadable “do it yourself” kit you can use. In other words, the price you pay to purchase equals “zero.” That kit provides more information about LLCs and includes a couple of free LLC operating agreements. (We used to sell the kit but since the Covid-19 pandemic have simply given the kit away.)
1. Check if the LLC name you want is available
As a first step, you should check if the LLC name you want to use is even available. Here’s an easy and free way to do this: You can search for a similarly named LLC using the Arkansas Secretary of State’s online database at:
If you find a name that you wish to use but are not ready to submit the paperwork, you can reserve the name by filling out the proper form and paying the $25 fee. This is an optional step.
2. Download the articles of organization form from the Arkansas Secretary of State’s web site, then print this form
The URL, or web page address, for this form is as shown below.
Or you can fill out an online form at:
3. Identify the name you want to use for your new LLC
Enter your business or investment name onto the lines provided. (I used the example name, “Acme Explosives LLC.”) The name must include “Limited Liability Company,” “Limited Company,” or the abbreviation “L.L.C.,” “L.C.,” “LLC,” or “LC.” The word “Limited” may be abbreviated as “Ltd.”, and the word “Company” may be abbreviated as “Co.” Companies which perform Professional Service MUST additionally contain the words “Professional Limited Liability Company,” or “PLLC.” For example, all of the following names should be acceptable:
- Acme Explosives Limited Liability Company
- Acme Explosives Limited Company
- Acme Explosives LLC
- Acme Explosives L.L.C.
- Acme Explosives LC
- Acme Explosives L.C.
- Acme Explosives Ltd. Liability Company
- Acme Explosives Limited Liability Co.
- Acme Explosives Ltd. Liability Co.
- Acme Explosives Ltd. Company
- Acme Explosives Limited Co.
- Acme Explosives Ltd. Co.
4. Indicate the address in which the LLC office is located
Where the Certificate of Organization provides a space for it, specify the address in which the LLC office is located.
5. Provide your name and address as the registered agent
The registered agent is the “mailbox” for the LLC. He or she is the person or entity designated by the LLC to receive any service of legal action or other official communication on its behalf. The registered agent may or may not be an owner, shareholder, or officer. The registered agent’s address must be a street address in Arkansas, and the agent must be located at that address. A post office box or “mail drop” may not be used as the registered agent address. Accordingly, enter your name and address information onto the lines that ask for this information. Additionally, the registered agent must sign the form and accept the appointment of registered agent.
6. State the management style of the LLC
If you plan to have your LLC managed by the members, you can leave this space blank. If you plan to have your LLC managed by a manager or managers, you will need to document this in the space provided. Acme Explosives LLC will be run by members, so this section has been left blank.
6. Identify yourself as the LLC organizer
You need to provide your name and signature as the person authorized to execute this document.
7. Submit the application
After you complete the Articles of Organization document mail the document and a check for $50 to:
Arkansas Secretary of State
1401 W. Capital
Suite 250
Little Rock, AR 72201
Processing lead times vary, but in general, it takes several weeks to get your LLC certificate back from the Secretary of State’s office.