What’s better than your business having a great year full of profits? Getting to save the majority of those profits from taxes! An s-corporation may be the way to go to save your hard earned money. Check out some of the resources below to see how an s-corporation saves money compared to a “regular” LLC or corporation. It might be easier than you think!
Our North Carolina S Corporation kit
For North Carolina entrepreneurs interested in the s-corporation option, we provide two downloadable do-it-yourself kits. One uses an LLC as the base while the other uses a corporation before making the election to be taxed as an s-corp. We generally recommend going the LLC route as there are fewer general requirements — no annual meetings, board of directors, etc.
The LLC version of our kit can be purchased below:
The corporation option can be found here:
Each kit comes with sample documents like Articles of Organization/Incorporation as well as step-by-step instructions to create the base entity and how to have the IRS recognize the entity as an s-corporation.
Money Back Guarantee
If you buy one of these kits and decide it isn’t as easy as it sounds or you are unable to use it for whatever reason, shoot us an email. We offer a 100% refund if you aren’t happy with your purchase.
Additional Resources
What are the Advantages of an S Corporation?: See how the s-corp stacks up against an LLC, sole prop, or c-corporation.
C Corporation vs. S Corporation, A Short Primer: Unsure of whether an LLC or corporation is the right base entity for your endeavor? Check this out!
What Tax Returns Are Required for a New Small Business Corporation: Be sure to familiarize yourself with some of the additional requirements if you are making the dive into a new entity.