If you need some help forming an LLC, one option would be to follow the instructions below that walk you through the process of filing the necessary forms to create the entity in Nevada. If you’d find a bit more information useful, like examples of the forms, operating agreements, and discussions on pros and cons of choosing an LLC as well as how to get an employer identification number (EIN) for tax and banking purposes, we’ve got a free, downloadable “do it yourself” kit you can use. (We used to sell the kit but since the Covid-19 pandemic have simply given the kit away.)
The actual steps you take to form a Nevada limited liability company are pretty simple. Here’s what you do: (These instructions are up-to-date as of August 5, 2020.)
1. Check if the LLC name you want is available
Your first step in setting up an LLC is to check if the name you want to use is even available. To do this, you can use the Nevada Secretary of State’s corporations’ search form at:
By entering the name you want to use in the search form, you’ll be able to see if there’s another business already using the name that you want. You can’t use a name, by the way, that’s the same or deceptively similar to another existing LLC’s name.
2. Download the LLC application form from the Nevada Secretary of State’s web site, then print this form
The URL, or web page address, for this form is as shown below. You may print this form and write into it or you may type directly into the form and then print it.
If you prefer you may apply online at:
3. Identify the name you want to use for your new LLC
After you download and print the LLC application form, you’re ready to fill the form out.
Enter your business or investment name into top box labeled, “Name of Limited-Liability Company.” The name must include one of the phrases or acronyms, “Limited-Liability Company,” “Limited Company,” “Limited,” or abbreviations such as “Ltd,” “LLC,” or “L.L.C.,” or “Ltd.” For example, all of the following names should be acceptable:
- Acme Explosives Limited-Liability Company
- Acme Explosives Liability Company
- Acme Explosives Limited.
- Acme Explosives Ltd
- Acme Explosives LLC
- Acme Explosives LLC
- Acme Explosives LC
4. Identify the registered agent
Nevada wants to know the name and contact information for a real person within the state of Nevada who can act as the contact person should the state have questions or concerns about an LLC’s operation. You can pay someone else to be this registered agent, but it’s really easiest and cheapest to just be your own registered agent.
Accordingly, check the indicating that an “Office or Position with Entity” will do the job and then enter the title and address information into boxes labeled “Resident Agent for Service of Process.”
Note: If you do want or need someone else to be your registered agent, just Google on the phrase, “Nevada registered agents.” Note, too, that if you use a Nevada accountant or bookkeeper to do your tax returns, he or she will probably happily provide a registered agent service along with the tax preparation services.
5. Dissolution date (optional)
If you plan to have your LLC in existence for a limited amount of time, indicate the latest date you expect the LLC to be in existence. Otherwise, skip this step.
6. Indicate how your LLC will be managed
LLCs can be managed either by all of their members, or owners, or they can be managed by only one or some of their members, who are in this case called managers or manager-members. To indicate how your LLC will be managed, mark the appropriate checkbox in box labeled “Company Shall Be Managed By: Manager(s) or Members.”
Note: If you have multiple members or managers, you’ll want to have an attorney draft an operating agreement. This operating agreement should describe who the manager is or who the managers are if you’re setting up a manager-managed LLC. If you’re a single member LLC, you should also have an operating agreement because having an operating agreement and honoring its terms improves your liability protection. We’ve provided excellent example operating agreements for you to consider when drafting your own.
7. Identify the people forming the LLC
Nevada also wants to know the names and contact information for the person or people who will own and operate the LLC. To provide this information, enter the names and addresses of the managers or members into the boxes labeled, “Name and Address of each Manager or Managing Member.”
8. Provide your name, street address, and signature to the Secretary of State’s office
In the second to last set of boxes you can enter the name, address, and signature of the LLC organizer.
9. Accept appointment of registered agent
Sign and date the form to accept the appointment as a registered agent for the limited-liability company listed.
10. Complete any additional transmittal paperwork
The LLC formation packet you download includes one-page forms you use to provide customer order instructions, including credit card or alternative payment instructions information. You need to fill out one of these customer order instructions forms.
Fill out the Registered Agent Acceptance form.
11. Other filings required to form a Nevada LLC
The state of Nevada requires each LLC to file its initial list of managers or managing members and state business license at the time of filing its Articles of Organization. The filing fee for the initial list of managers and members are $150, and the business license fee is $200.
11. Mail in the LLC application
After you complete the application to form a limited liability company, mail the completed form and a check for $75 to:
Secretary of State
New Filings Division
202 North Carson Street
Carson City NV 89701-4201
Phone: 775-684-5708
Fax: 775-684-7138
Processing lead times vary, but in general, it takes several weeks to get your LLC certificate back from the Secretary of State’s office. They offer an expedited service for an additional charge.
- 24 hour service: $125
- 2 hour service: $500
- 1 hour service: $1,000