We sell two kits small business owners and entrepreneurs can use to set up an S corporation in Florida. One kit walks you through the steps for creating an LLC (a limited liability company) and then making that LLC an S corporation for tax purposes. The other kit walks you through the steps for creating a corporation and then making that corporation an S corporation for tax purposes.
We Recommend You Use an LLC
We recommend small businesses use an LLC as the “base” for an S corporation because an LLC makes for easier governance and because an LLC more easily allows you to optimally time the point as which you make the S election.
If you’re interested in the LLC version of the kit, use the button below to purchase and download that version of the Florida S Corporation kit:
Note: With an LLC platform for your S corporation, you can form an LLC mid-year, operate the LLC as a sole proprietorship or partnership for the remainder of that year, and then make the S election at the start of the next calendar year. This “phased” S corporation set-up lets you keep your costs and accounting hassle low that first year.
If you’re interested in the “traditional corporation” version of the kit, use instead the button below to purchase and download the Florida Incorporation Kit:
Kits Include Everything You Need
Whether you use the LLC or the traditional corporation version of the Florida kit, you get everything you need to set up your own S corporation in a matter of minutes.
Both kits explain how to form the entity (either a Florida LLC or a Florida), how to get that entity an appropriate federal employer identification number, and how to make the 2553 election with the Internal Revenue Service so your entity can use the Subchapter S tax accounting rules.
Further, both kits include boilerplate governing documents–an LLC operating agreement for the LLC version of the kit and corporate bylaws for the traditional corporation version of the kit–which you’ll need to document how owners interact with the entity.
Money Back Guarantee
We provide a money back guarantee when you order any of our downloadable kits or ebooks. To get a refund, simply email us your refund request. Note that refunds get processed by hand so your refund will take a workday or two to process.
Other Information Sources You Might Find Useful
Is a limited liability company a corporation? Some additional background information about the difference between an LLC and a corporation.
How to do quick and dirty payroll for a small corporation A quick and dirty recipe for preparing payroll simply and economically. Perfect for the one person S corporation.
Does an S corporation provide better legal protection than an LLC? Additional background information about LLCs and corporations from another information website we publish, S corporations Explained.